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Students make their way to and from the Union and Colden Hall in the 1960s on Registration Day.1971年塔年鉴, 这就忽略了传统的组织合影, 遭到了西北希腊社区的强烈抗议.1971年塔年鉴 staff had no idea they would be angering the Greek Community when they failed to include traditional organizational group photographs in the yearbook.  当希腊人举行抗议时,数百本年鉴被毁, throwing the books in the fountain in front of the Olive DeLuce Fine Arts Building.The green beanie was worn by freshman students during the 1950s to indicate their "new" status.  “罢工日”标志着人们不必再戴无边帽了.Students gather outside of the Administration Building for annual Walk-Out Day activities.哈里·S总统. 杜鲁门曾多次访问西北校区.  He dedicated the opening of the Martin Pederson Armory, located on campus, on Feb. 20, 1955.  该军械库于2008年更名为Jon T. 里克曼电子校园支持中心.Eleanor Roosevelt gave a lecture at Northwest to students and faculty on Feb. 13, 1959.  她的主题是美国在二战后世界的领导作用.  超过1250人参加了这次活动.Students ring the Bell of '48 to celebrate the campus's first celebration of contributions and achievements made by black men and women to the university and the nation.  这一事件被称为“黑色周”.西北校区的一位著名访客是演员文森特·普莱斯.  价格, 除了英语, 演讲和戏剧的教师和学生, attended an elaborate tea behind the Administration building in the mid-60s.  根据西北学生的说法, 特鲁迪Kinman, 谁参加了茶会?, “价格, 他非常高, 谈吐得体,风趣幽默, 耐心地摆姿势拍照,穿着长长的, 丝绒斗篷已经穿了一个多小时了."在20世纪70年代,学生们每天晚上都会举办正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台节目.President 福斯特 shines a student's shoes during the early 1960s during Parents' Day Activities.Skating was once allowed on Colden池塘 and many students took advantage of this wintry entertainment.  By the 1980s, skating was banned due to fears of students drowning or injuring themselves.For four days in March 1974, the nationwide trend of streaking hit the Northwest campus.  一天晚上,大约有60名学生在哈德逊大厅前裸奔.在20世纪60年代和70年代初,游泳是一项流行的运动.  特色是1969-1970年游泳队,由刘易斯·戴奇教练.The Northwest Greek Community started in the late 1920s after initially being banned at Northwest. Fraternities like Tau Kappa Epsilon and Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority play an important part of Northwest life and in particular, 西北同学会.第一次集体返乡活动于10月11日举行. 10, 1924.  塔女王大赛始于1923年,目的是为了帮助塔年鉴的销售.  塔女王大赛已经成为网上赌博网站十大排行的年度活动.1952年,学生们参加西北返校节游行.Crowds line a Maryville street during the 1952 西北同学会 Parade.  在一年一度的盛会上,西北乐队总是很受欢迎.The 1952 西北同学会 Queen and her royal court smile at the crowds during the Homecoming Parade.西北1962年返校节女王来到了一个华丽的, 为返校节足球赛开始准备的马车.The Tower Queen descends from her carriage to help kick-off the start of the 1962 Homecoming Football Game at Northwest.The 1962 Tower Homecoming Queen and Royal Court receive bouquets and corsages prior to start of the Homecoming Football Game.Following the 1962 Football Game, the Homecoming Queen is driven away in a convertible.Crowds pack downtown Maryville prior to the start of the 1962 Homecoming Parade.西北塔女王, 穿着她的晚礼服, rides on a float with her royal court during the 1962 Homecoming Parade.The 1962 西北同学会 Parade was one of many elaborate floats like this tribute to the Olympics.A Camelot float filled with lovely medieval-dressed Northwest students is paraded down a Maryville Street.  Camelot, due to the Kennedys and the musical, was a popular theme during the early 1960s.  Camelot, the musical about King Arthur, first appeared on Broadway in 1960.Northwest's tribute to the musical The Teahouse of the August Moon rolls down a Maryville Street during the 1962 Homecoming Parade.  Teahouse was adapted in 1952 by playwright John Patrick from a novel by Vern Sneider. The play opened on Broadway in New York City at the Martin Beck Theater in 1953 and was a tremendous hit, winning many awards including: the New York Drama Critics Circle Award for Best American Play of the Year.A detailed Native American float glides down a Maryville street during the 1962 西北同学会 Parade.Northwest's version of Cinderella is showcased on an elaborate float during the 1962 西北同学会 Parade.  Cinderella was the only Rodgers and Hammerstein musical written for television and was broadcasted live on CBS on March 31, 1957年为朱莉·安德鲁斯代言, 谁扮演了主角. 超过1亿人观看了直播.The crowd disperses the town square after the Homecoming Parade and heads back toward College Avenue.The 1969 Tower Queen and her royal court pose for a group picture prior to the start of the Homecoming Parade.

在西北州立大学期间, 学生们成立了新的俱乐部,如枢机钥匙和蓝钥匙, 国家荣誉服务社. A swim team developed and the football team grew to more than 100 prospects. Memorial Stadium was renamed Rickenbrode Stadium in 1961 after longtime registrar William A. Rickenbrode. Northwest also switched from a system of quarters to a semester system with students starting classes after Labor Day. 注册课程对每个参与者来说都是一种折磨, taking two full days and allowing little flexibility for freshmen and sophomores.

By 1962, the student population increased to 2,500 and freshmen outnumbered upperclassman. 1961年以前,所有的新生都必须戴绿色的无边帽. 当被学长或m俱乐部的成员命令系上扣子时, a freshman was required to place a finger on the button on top of the beanie and bow, 行屈膝礼或跪下. Walk-Out Day signaled the end of freshman beanie hazing and marked the end of the new student initiation (hazing) period. Hazing of freshmen was formally abolished in 1961 when freshmen began to resist the tradition. 到1962年,返乡节已经成为一个更加精心策划的活动, 用薄纸和铁丝网做成的精致花车.